Upcoming Events
Solar Permits are required through Codesys. Please goto www.code-sys.com
Ellport Borough Reminders
Residents can drop off their sewer bills at the borough office, Ellport Borough Building, 313 Burns Avenue.
Blue recycling bins are located by the salt shed - cardboard and paper only.
Residents can also purchase brown yard waste bags at our borough office. The price of each bag is $1.00. This helps offset the cost of the dumpster for such material. Residents can drop off bags or call our street department for pickup 724-758-5883.
Please adhere to our guidelines of recycling and yard waste disposal. These services are in place for the benefit of our residents.
Residents are permitted to burn Tuesday-Saturday 7-7. No burning Sun, Monday and holidays. Please refer to our burning ordinance for further information on burnable items.